Through Project Scissor Gait Foundation’s programs, we hope to enrich the lives of people with Prune Belly Syndrome (PBS), Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC or simply Arthrogryposis) as well as their families while educating the public about these rare complex medical conditions.
Sponsor Conference Fees
Your gift helps those diagnosed with Arthrogryposis and Prune Belly Syndrome attend national conferences. In addition to gaining information from medical professionals, they can learn from and support others living with the same condition they have.
Awareness Visits
We love visiting with our families, and during these visits we create short awareness videos that we can share on social media. The aim of these videos is to shine a light on the lives of children, teens, and adults who have Arthrogryposis and/or Prune Belly Syndrome.
Kidney Transplant Care Package Program
Prune Belly Syndrome affects among other things, the kidneys. Children and adults with PBS iin need of a kidney transplant receive a care package, and support both before and after the transplant. If actively looking for donors, we will help them with the search by posting information on our website, social media accounts, and/or getting media involved. Small grants are available to help cover costs such as a hotel room for family members while the patient is hospitalized or travel costs for donors.
Energy Work Education
Marty has completed a number of trainings related to the study and practice of MCKS Pranic Healing® System, a very specific energy healing system. We hope to help provide education about energy work while providing sessions to those born with Arthrogryposis and Prune Belly Syndrome. Note: It’s important to note that we don’t believe these sessions will “heal” either condition. Instead, they can help with things like pain management which is a common issue for people with Arthrogryposis especially as they age.
Funding Educational Field Trips For POHI Students”
Edsel Ford High School, Marty’s alma mater, is where Dearborn Public Schools bases its high school level Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired (POHI) Program. We aim to provide funding for transportation and related costs to send these students on community based field trips each month to learn important life skills.
Additional Giving Programs
- Christmas Gifts for children at Shriner’s Hospital, Chicago, IL
- Supporting Camp Michitanki, an organ transplant camp for kids hosted by the University of Michigan Transplant Center